Now Accepting PSA Submissions

Black Label Grading Now Accepting PSA Submissions

Since its inception in 2020, Black Label Grading has grown significantly. We’ve always valued the input from our community, using it to guide how we can better serve your needs. Your ideas and feedback are crucial; they help us understand what’s truly important to you and ensure we’re constantly evolving and improving.

This year, we’ve set ourselves an ambitious goal: to take on one of the titans of the trading card grading industry, PSA. Despite the demand, we had previously chosen not to enter this market, much to the disappointment of many of our customers. However, we’ve now partnered with someone who can help us make this leap and begin our journey to become an official PSA dealer.

We’re thrilled to announce that Gary Mahoney, the owner and operator of GradeShield and several other successful ventures, is joining forces with Black Label Grading to lead our PSA division. This collaboration allows us to continue focusing on Beckett and CGC submissions while expanding into PSA grading, providing a comprehensive service for our customers in the UK and EU. Gary’s lifelong passion for the Pokémon world and his extensive business acumen make him the perfect fit for this role.

We’re excited about the opportunity to offer services from all three industry giants under one roof, making Black Label Grading a one-stop shop for all your grading needs.

For any enquiries or to discuss your PSA grading needs, please contact Gary at To place your PSA order, visit

Submission Countdown

We submit cards monthly to Beckett, PSA, CGC & SGC. Please get your cards to us before the deadline to ensure your cards are sent off in time. This month’s submission deadline is:

May 31, 2024

May 24, 2024